The Story of Magic Charlie


Charlie Speaking

Charlie Spencer was born in Tyler, Texas, however when he was five his family moved to Nampa, Idaho where they were the only African American family in the town for some time. This environment proved challenging for Charlie and he acted out at school from an early age.

Then basketball, or more specifically, Stan Kirshchenmann of the Harlem Globetrotters, changed Charlie’s life. Stan was an assistant basketball coach at Northwest Nazarene University. He liked Charlie’s energy and personality and took an interest in young Charlie.

Stan inspired Charlie to build a life in basketball. Charlie now practiced basketball several hours every day and he improved his grades. He graduated high school and attended Northwest Nazarene University before becoming a full-time basketball entertainer including playing for the Harlem Globetrotters, just like his mentor Stan.

Since then Charlie has performed for millions of people across the nation and has appeared many times on national TV. He toured the NBA circuit performing at half-time shows, and still speaks at coaches’ meetings and NBA basketball camps.

Deeply grateful for the positive influence the great Stan Kirshchenmann had on his life, Charlie now spends his time paying that favor forward. He performs at schools, community events and houses of worship. He combines basketball tricks with his unique life experiences to deliver entertaining performances that inspire positive change within individuals, communities and the world.

See Charlie in action!!!

Contact Me

Please contact me to book a show or for further information. I look forward to hearing from you!
~ Magic Charlie